Saturday, 23 June 2007

What would you do if you were given RM1,000,000?

I read this one interview on primary and secondary school students in KL in The Star yesterday. Reporter was asking the students the question that we all have heard or been asked before: " What are you going to do if you were given 1,000,000?"

The article featured answer of around 10 students from KL and to my astonishment, there was only a girl with the answer "I want to help the poor and needy!". Only 1 out of 10 would use the money to help others.

The rest gave answers like " I would shop till I drop!", " I would buy a Ferrari!", "I would give some to my parents and get myself a PS3!" etc. etc.......

Where have all those noble thoughts in kids gone?

I am not sure if I were asked this question before when I was young, but I definitely thought about it before. My answer to it was and is : " I would help the needy, give some to charity, give some to NGOs, bla bla bla.... and buy a more decent camera(recently added)!" Sounds noble right? Still, when the real money comes in, no one knows for sure what one would do!

I am glad at least till now my answer to that question remain the same over the years!

What would you do?
--- The End---

Mika - Grace Kelly

Monday, 18 June 2007

One lucky Bird!!

Process of saving a bird which fell into sludgy waste water:

1) Get the bird out using a net and bring it to shower!

2) Let it go?

3) Find it again and take a last snap shot!

----The End----

Souad Massi - Algerian Singer

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Sharks: Predator or Prey?

How many of you love shark fin soup? I don't blame you if you do as we are Chinese. Chinese loves exotic food! But other than the tasty soup that the shark fin was cooked in and get its taste, shark fin by itself doesn't really have any medicinal value and taste as most Chinese thought. We are actually eating cartilage (something similar found between your spinal cord or bone joint). What medicinal values do cartilage have other than a rich source of protein?

Other than the diminishing sharks population (38,000,000 sharks were killed each year), the way irresponsible fisherman obtained the shark fins made me sick! The process is called finning. Some of these photo might deter you from eating shark fin soup forever.

Finning process is simple but extremely cruel:
1. Catch the Sharks

2. Cut off the fins even when the sharks are alive

3. Throw the finless sharks back into the ocean let to drown

There are 400 species of shark, and many are used for their fins. Blue, hammerhead and silky sharks are the most highly traded in Hong Kong. Mako and thresher are also popular, great white and whale sharks are also used. These sharks are magnificent creature and keep the ocean's health in check. These sharks do not attack people deliberately and even if they do, I do not know of any report of sharks attack on Chinese (e.g westerner might get attacked once in a while during surfing, but they do not consume shark fin soup). Don't tell me we Chinese take revenge on the sharks on their behalf.Please let these magnificent sharks roam and live and they do us no harm. We are the generation that could do something to end excessive killing of wild animals and also ending the century-old belief on the goodness of shark fin soup. 'When the buying stop, the killing can too', WildAid.

To me, sharks are the prey, human are the predator! I prefer to see them in the Ocean then in a bowl and you can make a difference. Don't eat shark fin soup!

Whale Shark

Silky Shark

Scallop HammerHead

Blue Shark

Deep Forest - Pacifique